Discover Your Path to Holistic Wellness

At Internal Alchemy, we believe in the transformative power of harmonizing the mind, body, and spirit. Our sanctuary for healing is rooted in the ancient wisdom of shamanic studies and spiritual counseling, enhanced by modern integrative practices. Here, you embark on a journey of mental, emotional, and spiritual growth, unlocking a state of well-being that radiates through every aspect of your life.

Our Unique Approach

Led by practitioners with an extensive array of studies and certifications, including Master’s and Doctorate degrees from the Northern Way Esoteric Theological Seminary, certifications in Ayurvedic Medicine, Yoga, Breathwork, NLP, and much more, Internal Alchemy integrates diverse healing modalities to support your unique path toward wellness.

We focus on the essential connection between emotional regulation, spiritual growth, and physical health. By exploring the deep interplay between these realms, we guide you to discover inner balance, resilience, and a profound sense of peace.

Tailored Healing Experiences

Internal Alchemy is dedicated to providing personalized healing experiences.
Our offerings include:

Spiritual Counseling & Shamanic Studies:
Dive deep into your spiritual journey with guided insight and ancient healing practices.

Integrative Wellness Plans:
A holistic approach combining Ayurvedic principles, nutrition, and lifestyle adjustments for optimal health.

Yoga & Meditation:
From beginner to advanced, including prenatal yoga, our classes are designed to align and calm your mind, body, and spirit.

Breathwork & Hypnotherapy:
Unlock the power of your subconscious to heal and manifest your true potential.

Life Coaching & Emotional Release:

Overcome obstacles and release patterns that no longer serve you, paving the way for a fulfilled life.

Embark on Your Healing Journey

At Internal Alchemy, we invite you to explore a world where healing and personal growth go hand in hand. Whether you're seeking to navigate life’s transitions with grace, find deeper meaning and connection, or improve your physical health through holistic practices, our doors are open to all seeking change.

Experience the potential within you.
Begin your journey to holistic wellness and embrace the life you were meant to live.

Savannah, Georgia-Based, Available Worldwide

© 2024 Internal Alchemy LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Website By: Tech By Tola


Shamanic healing is not a substitute for allopathic medicine.

If you have a health concern, you should always consult a physician.

Shamanic healing does not diagnose, treat, or prescribe medications.