Meet Cass

Cassandra Shuck is a dedicated shamanic healer and spiritual counselor who has transformed her own profound struggles into a beacon of hope for others. With a rich educational background, including a Master’s Degree in Shamanic Studies and a Ph.D. in Spiritual Counseling, Cassandra has honed her expertise in the ancient healing traditions of Peruvian, Colombian, and Hawaiian shamanism, seamlessly integrating these practices with contemporary holistic approaches.

Cassandra's path to becoming a healer was deeply personal, marked by her battle with PTSD and a transformative shift from conventional medical treatments to the holistic healing powers of plant medicine and herbalism. This journey not only led to her own healing but also ignited a passion to support others in navigating their paths to wellness and self-discovery.

As the founder of Aligned Social, Cassandra extends her mission to promote mental health awareness and holistic wellness into the digital realm, creating a community that supports healing and personal growth. Her work is a testament to the power of integrating ancient wisdom with modern practices, dedicated to empowering individuals to reclaim their health, vitality, and the richness of a life lived in harmony with the spirit.

Savannah, Georgia-Based, Available Worldwide

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Shamanic healing is not a substitute for allopathic medicine.

If you have a health concern, you should always consult a physician.

Shamanic healing does not diagnose, treat, or prescribe medications.